Can You Go a Little Greener?

by on June 19, 2009
in Awareness, Malaysia


Lu Chen Pin, 37, runs his own software development business but what makes him stand out is his emphasis on protecting the environment and the fact that he decided to go eco-friendly as much as he could. Quietly he is following this motto, “first reduce, then reuse and recycle.”

Reducing can be a very simple gesture like turning off the tap water when brushing his teeth or not using the air-conditioning while driving in the morning. It also means for him doing less fancy shopping. A more stricter step has been for Lu to decide not to drive his car every second Sunday of the month. He has even stopped drinking iced coffees from Starbucks because the Seattle company uses plastic cups.

True to his motto, before he quit drinking iced beverages, he used to keep those plastic cups to “reuse” them as pen holders. In Lu’s office, files are kept in plastic wrappers that came through his junk mail. Cardboard boxes are now storage containers. Hence he lengthen the lifespan of things. But Lu goes a step further. he calls himself an eco-warrior. While driving if he sees someone dumping trash out of the car window, he takes pictures, especially of their plate number and post them on his facebook page.

Lu is a real green crusader. He has planted trees in a nearby forest and has a special strategy to convince his community into changing its habits. He tells five friends to do an environmental act and ask them to each get five friends to do the same act, such as plant trees or stop using plastic bags. The snowball effect is possible but Lu remains cautiously optimistic.

I think Lu Chen Pin’s efforts are fantastic. They look like a small drop in the ocean but, to quote Mother Theresa, the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. Via

Can you turn off  the tap when brushing your teeth? Can you do more?